Saturday, November 29, 2008

Twilight and Sleepover

I advise people who want to watch the movie..
Don't read the book first, or finish reading it.
Because there is so many scene in the book
that is not in the movie..

like i can seriously relate to the book,
but the movie i can't,they left so many scenes out..
They didn't even have Lauren in the movie..
like what the freak..

and i wanted to have the parts where the guys asked
Bella out, the only person shown was Mike.
AHHH!!so, i was like im hating this movie,
since i just read the first 214 of the book..

i was still reading the book when
we were in the cinema..
Then, after, it got to the part where i haven't
read the book, i just loved it..

i can like watch the movie again..
i cant wait till the second movie comes out..
After,the movie, Taylor and i slept at
Harinder's place,
and today, harinder and i
spent the whole afternoon watching
Parental Control!..
it was funny, and im home
now typing about Twilight..
Taylor thought that Emily Browning should play Bella..
She from A series of Unfornate Events.
What do you think?
Emily Browning
This is the Hunk..
I dont know if he makes out with Bella..
Taylor won't tell cause i told her not to ruin it for me..
but i want to know..
This dude plays Jacob Black..
Guess what He is 16..
can you believe it..
i can't!i thought he was freaking 18..
but no..

This is him in Twilight!













Still a hottie, but i prefer the short hair.
anyway, im hoping to finish twilight
and start New Moon..
It is going to be exciting!