Saturday, December 27, 2008

Yoou Asshole!

This situation happened 2 weeks back!
Emma, Taylor and I were having lunch together.
That week, we had an important science test.
So, we decided to go to the science room to get
extra help from Mr Lenters

But, he wasn't doing his job in helping us.
so, we were just standing around talking..
Emma asked me to write her name in Mandarin
which Obversely i don't know how to write it.
Since, my mandarin is not that awesome!

So, i told her, that i couldn't write it..
and she like how can you not know
how to write your friends name..

i was trying to explain it to her,
that we weren't taught to write friend's name
and were taught other things

Luckily, my other friend was understanding.
She tried to help em explain it to her.
but, the bitch still didn't get it..
Like omg, SHUT UP..

I was so offended already,
i was so pissed off,
Emma looked at my friend and
was like "how can you not know how to write your friends name"
if she hasnt realised it im not that smart in mandarin,
and she should have know that she is not that smart herself..BITCH!

So, I'm really pissed off with her,
I'm in science with her,
and she thinks she really cool.
She keep on arguing with the teacher when
he was explaining stuff to us.

She thinks she is right,
and even tries to correct him,
i was in the mood
(if i could find one)
and stab her!

She such an idiot,
but then i couldn't do it,
because i would be sent to jail.

The other thing i wanted to tell her was,
if you think your so smart, then why don't you go up there and teach us.
but, i'm coward and so i couldn't do it!

I told myself, the year i'm graduation for CDCI WEST.
Is the day,all this bitches get a piece of HEIDI MCDOWELL
They better stop being assholes!