I'm sure everyone has heard of the 12 days of Christmas song.
Well, my English teacher found a really cool
version and showed it to the class!
There is also another one called the Lions sleep
tonight..it is really good too..
1 week to 3 weeks of holidays!
well, i won't count it as a holidays
since i still have to read To KILL A MOCKING BIRD!
Actually i find the book, quite interesting, just that
the way the character speaks in the book,
it is so hard to understand..
This is a phrase from the book by one of the Ewell
"Report and damned to ye!Ain't no Snot-nosed slut of a schoolteacher ever born c'n make me do nothin'! You ain't making me go nowhere,missus.You just remember that, you ain't makin' me go now her!"
So the book, is really racist, it talks about
how racist America was back in the time.
They still are in some places.
The Tom Robinson Trial was said to be
the most racist trial ever.
Since, there wasn't any American-black jury.
it wasn't fair to the blacks.
People would believe a white person word
over a black.
Just because,of skin color.
Mean or what!
And this guy,Atticus, white man.
Was his lawyer and so the whole town
was against him.
But, the reason why he took
Tom Robinson Trial was
because he knew he would not be able
to leave with himself
if he let an innocent man die.
So, im off to a christmas party
this week at Oliva..
and im excited for everyone
to tell me their N' level result
but, at the same time i have
a science test that very day..
Lucky oh me!
One really bad news,
Im going to die..
Oh, im gonna take some pictures of the decoration around town
and the puppies at the Humane Shelter!!
