I'm gonna sound like a stupid crazy fan/Stalker of this two dudes.
OMG, I am in love with them.
Literally,I think about them all the time when i'm bored..
now, i really sound stalk-ish
I want to go to Taiwan and hopefully, get to see them!
anyway, this two dudes are Vaness Wu and Vic Zhou
I thought they were hot in my younger days..
They are still EVEN HOTTER minus the long hair for Vaness Wu!
Vic Zhou tho, is still cute with or without..that's my liking
Like i didn't know Vaness has like the sexiest abs i have ever see.
One word to describe it WOW!
But, i'm assuming his pictures was taken a year ago..I didn't even know he had a piercing for his belly.
But still he still look se-xy!
Vic, does he remind you of someone..
someone called EDWARD CULLEN?
He looks so pale here..
so,ya he reminds me of Edward!
but still cute and hot as ever.
I guess this is the latest picture of them..
it is like their new album picture..
ok, im going to stop here..
i have to go study for my stupid science test..
I'm going skating tomorrow!
all worth the hard work..
i need to pass this test, to boost my mark up..
ok, I'm going to stop ranting on about crap..
Good Luck friends with collecting your results.
I would love to be there when you guys get it!
but, sadly, i have school and not in Singapore!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
If only dreams were reality
Posted by Day-Dreamer at 4:05 PM