Exams are coming in less than 2 weeks..
which means new courses next semester
and new people!
I can't wait, for exams to be over!
I hope i passed with an 80+ average
I'm assuming I'm doing so well,
in all my courses.
There is a new dude that i like now..
He is awesomely cute!
He works near my place.
I'm so tempted to go up and say hi.
I got so many people opinion
on how i should start.
They all good but i don't have the courage
can you believe the talkative Heidi is afraid!?
Morgan, said she will go with me and talk with him.!
She told me to go up and just say hi.
But, i feel like i'm going to end up looking like a fool!
That's why i pray that i will have him in my class
next semester!He is in tech but i have it next semester.
How unlucky I'm!
i feel i'm getting more unluckier each year!
No one wants to hire me..
I don't why?
I hope i really get the tuition Job
and the babysitting Job..
I want to make more friends
and get out of the house!

Another thing is that i walked this really awesome
dog named Piper.
He is hyper and just like my dear Taffy!
He loves the snow,i took him for a walk
but instead we just played in the snow.
He would put his face into the snow and then
i would disturb him and he attack me..
At one point, he took my mitts and
won't give it back!
So, when we got back to the Kennel,
He dropped it..
hahah, what i cool Dog,
i want to adopt it,but i'm not allowed
Im off to beddy..
and it is -21 last night!!